What Do We Offer Students?
We are here to help students get connections with the biggest brands in the world to create more financial equality!
The Need
We understand that there is inequality worldwide, and minority populations have less wealth and are disproportionately living in lower-income neighborhoods around the world.
People from low-income backgrounds have been systematically excluded from high-income careers in the past, and are often not exposed to corporate or high-income careers.
Our Solution
We partner with the biggest multi-billion dollar companies in the world to expose students to high-income careers they may not have known about before!
High School Students can join our student communities: Global DOers, or Future Leaders.
Global DOers
In School “BILLION Dollar Workshops”
Students develop skills and get connections with the biggest multi-billion dollar companies in the world such as HBO, Nickelodeon, Blackstone, and more.
Paid Opportunities
Students get access to paid internships, apprenticeships, and jobs with large multibillion-dollar companies such as Versace, Peloton, HSBC & more.
Future Leaders
Future Leader students get all the benefits of Global DOers and More!
Build Friendships With Students ALL OVER THE WORLD
Meet like-minded and motivated students in locations such as London, New York, LA, Toronto, India, the Philippines, and more.
Exclusive small group access to network with employees from the world's BIGGEST brands
GDGA students get direct access to the world's most influential executives from big brands like Nickelodeon, JPMorgan Chase, and more!
Learn how to be a global leader from Diversity Organization executives
Students have the opportunity to learn from and build connections with The Diversity Organization’s CEO, Managers, President, and more.